Terms and Conditions
Firstly, thanks for choosing to become a part of the Walk Slow Run Wild community. While we hope you enjoy reading our opinions, tips, and experiences, please understand that they’re just that – our own views and opinions.
All content provided on Walk Slow Run Wild is for general informational purposes only. Whilst we endeavour to publish informative content, we make no guarantee to the accuracy or reliability of any information provided. We will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for any of the links we provide.
That’s the nature of travel! Businesses close, transport timetables get updated and local laws can change. If you spot an error or notice one of our posts is out of date, please feel free to send us an update.
In no event will Walk Slow Run Wild be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.
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We pay for all our own trip expenses unless otherwise clearly stated.
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Walk Slow Run Wild will only ever recommend and link to products and services that we feel are high quality and helpful to our readers. If we don’t love it or use it ourselves, we won’t recommend it.
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Comments Policy
We love hearing from our readers, and seeing new comments is one of the best things about running a blog. We appreciate everyone who finds the time to add your thoughts to one of our articles. Please let’s keep it friendly and welcoming!
Inappropriate or abusive comments will not be tolerated and as such, Walk Slow Run Wild reserve the right to edit or delete any comments submitted to this blog without notice. Additionally, Walk Slow Run Wild is not responsible or liable for any comments made by others on this blog.
The content of this blog is covered by copyright and all words, photographs, videos and other content are the copyright of Walk Slow Run Wild unless otherwise stated.
We love to share, and if you would like to reprint or publish any of our content, we certainly encourage it. However, please contact us prior for written permission, our rates and terms. We also ask that you credit Walk Slow Run Wild where applicable, and link back to our blog.
Creating high-quality articles and beautiful imagery takes a lot of time and effort, it’s not cool for you to take it without permission.
The above policies are subject to change at any time and without notice.